Design of 2.5-Gb/s Parallel PRBS Generator and 4-Gb/s Area Efficient PRBS Checker in 65-nm CMOS Process

  • Jun-Cheol Lee Kwangwoon University
  • Joo-Hyung Chae Kwangwoon University
Keywords: Bit error rate, pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS), PRBS checker, PRBS generator


A pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) pattern is widely used in various applications requiring random data sequences. This paper describes the design of a parallel PRBS generator and checker. The parallel PRBS generator produces eight outputs where each output has a PRBS-7 pattern with a period of 27–1, and the PRBS checker verifies if the incoming data is a PRBS-7 pattern. In the PRBS checker, a method of creating the same reference PRBS pattern as the incoming data is applied using a synchronization detection circuit that finds a unique pattern in the input data stream. The PRBS checker includes data and error counters, and they count the number of input data and bit errors that occur during one cycle of the PRBS-7 pattern. This design was implemented with a 65-nm CMOS process, and the PRBS generator and checker occupy an area of 75×15 μm2 and 75×45 μm2, respectively. It was verified that the PRBS generator operated up to 2.5 Gb/s and the PRBS checker accurately counted the bit error at 4 Gb/s.

Author Biographies

Jun-Cheol Lee, Kwangwoon University

Jun-Cheol Lee is currently pursuing his B.S. degree at the department of Electrical Engineering, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea.

His research interest includes High-Speed Interface.

Joo-Hyung Chae, Kwangwoon University

Joo-Hyung Chae received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2012 and 2019, respectively.

In 2013, he joined SK hynix, Icheon, South Korea, as an intern at the Department of LPDDR Memory Design. From 2019 to 2021, he was with SK hynix, Icheon, South Korea, where his work focused on GDDR memory design. In 2021, he joined Kwangwoon University, Seoul, South Korea, where he is currently an Assistant Professor of Electronics and Communications Engineering.

His research interests include the design of high-speed and low-power I/O circuits, clocking circuits, memory interfaces, and mixed-signal in-memory computing.

Dr. Chae received the Doyeon Academic Paper Award from the Inter-University Semiconductor Center (ISRC), Seoul National University, in 2020.


How to Cite
Lee, J.-C., & Chae, J.-H. (2024). Design of 2.5-Gb/s Parallel PRBS Generator and 4-Gb/s Area Efficient PRBS Checker in 65-nm CMOS Process. Journal of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 10(1).